Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Reason Behind the Title

"Here lies a sleeping Cougar in the tree" Everyone has heard this:  "She is a Cougar" . . . what the hell does that mean exactly? 

According to most of society a cougar is a woman who is in her mid to late thirties and forties who is attracted to and dates young men.  Often thought of a midlife crisis.  Well, that is NOT the reason I decided to name this blog The Cougar Cage. 

In fact, it is poking fun at the societal term all together.  This blog is about being middle aged woman. An empowered woman that has learned to accept the emotional journey of life.   It is about a healthy lifestyle, cooking, beauty products, getting fit (we all know its harder to get fit in your forties), shopping, incredible new products I have found, and just life in general. It doesn't hurt that my name is Kat either.

You will find just about anything and everything on this blog and hopefully you find something that interests you.

This blog will be under construction for some time . . . it is a process

